Danielle Havens

eat well with ease

The Mindful Macro Method

I'm all in!

 A group coaching program to
 create confidence with the way you nourish yourself so you can learn how to tune in and trust your body for good. 


I truly believe weight loss is a side effect of nourishing our bodies well.
But, eating well can feel overwhelming
I'm here to teach you sustainable food freedom.

Designed for ambitious women who wants to conquer cravings and have all-day energy - without the obsession

       You stopped feeling so darn hungry all the time!

        You felt energized throughout the day. No more 3 pm crashes.

        You were able to lose weight and keep it off without restriction.

Imagine If...

Let me guess, you...

Have a ton of "recipe inspo” saved on Instagram, but never actually make them.
Have tried all the fad diets. But everything felt completely overwhelming and time consuming. 

Are really smart and successful. You have an extensive knowledge of nutrition. You know how you "should" eat - but it just never seems to happen.

Feel exhausted at 3pm each day, and reach for that second or third cup of coffee

Want to lose weight in a loving way. You love your body and want to change it. You want to be the hottest, strongest version of you.

AND ... You know there has to be another way. 

I'm all in!

Here's the catch: When you neglect self-care, you're not giving your all – to your loved ones, your work, your health, or even your daily tasks. It's time to prioritize YOU and show up fully in every aspect of your life!

imagine this instead:

You have reduced cravings every day (with balanced blood sugar!) and gentle nutrition recipes to make right away. 

You know exactly how to balance any meal in a matter minutes with a flexible nutrition framework (no scales involved).

You know exactly what food combinations do and do not work for you body. 

Step-by-step guidance on how to implement the concepts into your real life - so you can put these ideas into action (what MANY diet and health plans MISS!)

The Mindful Macro Method is designed for you to eat well with ease. 

This program is designed to fit into your hectic life.I don't want health to be all consuming for you.

You’ll get step-by-step guidance on how to implement the concepts into your real life - so you can put these ideas into action (what MANY diet and health plans MISS!)

Are you Ready to nourish your body, elevate your energy, and feel VIBRANT?

yes, i need this!

Inside this course you will learn my proven framework.

A unique blend of:
- gentle nutrition & macros.
- evidence-based science on behavioral health change.
- mindful eating & self-compassion.

This framework is meant to be flexible.  
It is not a set of rigid rules to follow. 
I don’t ever want to complicate how you eat, instead we focus on how to SIMPLIFY without restriction or rules

I’ve led over 15 women through and have been practicing myself for over 8 years.

Hey heyyyy, I’m Danielle!

latte lover. mom of two. registered nurse, 
macro coach.

Your new gentle nutrition bestie! 

 8 years ago, I would weigh myself every morning + let this dictate the rest of the day. I would wake up at ungodly hours of the morning to get not one, but TWO workouts in before 10am. I would try to fill my plate as little as possible. 

On the outside, it looked like everything was “perfect”. A full-time job, my own condo, a “healthy” body, I ate “well” and exercised. I made everyone else happy and was chasing perfection.

On the inside, I was so overwhelmed and consumed by thoughts about my body and what I would eat next. It was all I thought about, from morning until I finally fell asleep at night. 

Fast forward to today...

Gentle nutrition has changed the game for me, making eating well easy in motherhood. When I became a mom, everything changed. I no longer had the time I used to spend working out and caring for myself. I needed to find a way to make eating well work for all different seasons of life. 

Gentle nutrition also helped me lose 25+ pounds postpartum - twice.

 Now, I’m all about helping you find simple + sustainable ways to nourish yourself in real life. I’m here to do that in the same way I’ve helped 15+ women just like you

get started now

Does this sound familiar?

You’ve read all the self-help books + listened to allll the podcasts, you just can’t seem to actually change anything. 
   You’ve told yourself you would start on Monday. Lots of times, but never have.

 You’re bombarded with a new diet plan every time you open up Instagram + try to research what she's eating.  

You’ve tried counting calories + weighing your food, and you know you don’t want to continue this forever, you just need a plan of action and to think of food in new ways. 

If that feels REALLY SPECIFIC to you, that’s because I see you. I WAS you. And I’ve taken all the knowledge I’ve learned to get myself out of this space and am handing it over to you! Are you ready?

Join today

Ready for the Details?!

Here’s what's inside the
mindful macro Program:

6 core modules - A combo of video + podcast style lessons from Danielle to listen to on your own schedule to help you form a fun relationship to food. $1800 value

Printable resources, worksheets + recipes to reinforce what you’re learning in the modules $400 Value

4 Live Q+A Coaching Calls where you can bring questions, struggles, wins and connect with the other women in the group $1200 Value

Private Voxer Community - with UNLIMITED access to Danielle - to get her insights + support + ask questions anytime you feel like giving up $1600 value

Lifelong friends - find accountability both during the program and after with other participants. Priceless

That’s a total value of $5,000

(over $4,000 in savings!) 

Learn how to easily build any meal to satisfy & energize Your Body and leave with tools you can use for the rest of your life. Learn practical tips and strategies for creating balanced and satisfying meals that support your health goals without feeling overwhelmed by rigid meal plans.

Dive into the science of meal timing to balance blood sugar levels, beat cravings, and feel calm.How often should you eat? Let’s spill the tea on that and enhance your eating routine!

module Four - nourish

Nourish with Flexibility: Building Meals To Suit Your Needs

Find out Why Everyone’s Talking About It! Nurse Danielle will tap in to teach you the importance of using food that works in partnership with your body - so that you can have energy + be satiated all day long.
Inside the ENERGIZE Step:
  • You’ll learn about the Pyramid of Priorities
  • Uncover the nutritional strategies to energize your body
  • Learn how to incorporate the knowledge of macros without obsessing over numbers + scales
  • Learn a quick + simple recipe that gives you fiber, fruits + veggies to use at breakfast to balance your blood sugar

module three - energize

Balanced Blood Sugar Bliss: Your Key to All-Day Energy 

Here you will identify your core values and learn how to align your intentions and eating decisions with them, instead of chasing impossible standards. This allows you to have a deeper “WHY” behind eating well and empowers you with an easy framework to take with you for all of life’s challenges.
Inside the VALUES Step:
  • You’ll clarify your core values
  • Learn 2 Strategies to use your values in real-life

module two - clarify

Empowered Eating: Fueling Your Life with Core Values

Learn the mindset behind how to make food choices that honor your well-being so you can feel amazing without saying goodbye to your favorite meals, snacks, or treats. The first stage of this process is crucial so you can get a clear understanding of what gentle, intentional eating is (and what it is not!). 

I’ll help you craft a juicy vision for where you want to be at the end of this course & a year down the line. Get ready to dream big!

Life inevitably gets stressful + it’s easy for goals/habits to fall to the waste side - you’re going to prepare by proactively creating solutions to potential roadblocks.

Inside the VISION Step:
  • You’ll learn the 5 Principles of Gentle Nutrition
  • You’ll identify where you are in the gentle nutrition spectrum
  • You’ll uncover your unique wellness vision + prepare for roadblocks

module one - Envision

Sizzling Start: Hot Girls Guide to Gentle Nutrition 

A look at what's included

Learn what mindful eating is and how to put it into practice. Uncover the signals of healthy hunger (yes, it exists!) + how it can benefit your relationship with food. Learn about the 4 different types of hunger and how to figure out which one is happening in your body.

I’ll walk you through how to listen to the signals your body is telling you + what to do when you sense them.

Inside the CONNECT Step:
  • You’ll learn the 4 different types of hunger
  • You’ll be introduced to the hunger-fullness scale + how to use it
  • You’ll learn 3 strategies for mindful eating
  • Learn “Le Pause”

module five - connect

Befriend with Your Body: Mindful Eating for Busy

Here you will learn the solution (flexible thinking) for all-or-nothing thinking and how to eliminate it around food. You’ll learn Why self-compassion is the secret sauce to keeping you motivated to feeding yourself well. These two key mindset shifts are often the missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to caring for yourself.
Inside the MINDSET steps:
  • You will identify areas you are being all-or-nothing in your eating 
  • Learn how to shift your mindset using a 3 step process
  • Practice the “5 Minute Rule”
  • Implement compassionate reflection with journaling

module six - embrace

Embracing the Messy Middle: Breaking Free of All-or-Nothing Thinking

You’ve done amazing work … so what happens next? Here you’ll reflect on the biggest takeaways from this program and how to continue eating well for the rest of your busy life.

This is the part where we plan the logistical plans - the what, where and how of eating well. 

Inside the PLAN step:
  • You’ll identify your Non-Negotiables - the core 20% of the actions that make you feel your very best 
  • You’ll learn how to implement the Sustainable Cycle of Eating Well
  • Learn how to build consistency before quantity

module six - plan

No More Starting Over - Gentle Consistency for Lifelong Health

 Your guide to the sneaky things that can impact your blood sugar balance each day.


The Hidden Saboteurs Guide

A currated list of go-to resources to support you


Gentle Nutrition Resource List

A collection of tried & true blood sugar balancing recipes


Gentle Nutrition Recipe collection

Bonuses! You'll Also Get:

Are you ready to eat well easily & feel energized?

Pay in Full


Payment Plan

2 payments

I’ve watched myself go from feeling low/depressed, really not taking care of myself to feeling more in control and having a plan for the future. 

Karen h.

"I would 100% recommend Danielle as a wellness coach. She has so much knowledge and is excellent at giving you what you need to succeed."

jessica o.

"Danielle is knowledgeable and shares her inspiration and recommendations in a non-judgmental way."

claire p.

bonus recipes & resources

A voxer community

Weekly accountability

Recordings of live calls

4 group coaching calls

6 core 

What's Included:

Here’s what's inside the Simply nourished Program:

what is included?

The 6 part video modules - 6 weekly lessons, recipes + assignments, 4 weekly live Q+A calls with Danielle, printable resources, worksheets + guides, Private Voxer channel

what time are the q+a Group calls?

 The Q+A group coaching calls will be held on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm. They will be held on Zoom, and recorded. I give you the chance to submit any questions ahead of time. We will start by going around the “room” and each asking a question or topic we are needing more guidance on. If you don’t have one, thats totally ok and I will go through the questions that have been submitted ahead of time!

how do i access the weekly modules?

The weekly modules and assignments are on Kajabi !

what if i don't have a lot of time?

It can be easy to feel like you need to wait until the “right time” to commit to a program - but here’s the thing. There will never be a right time. Something else will always come up. That is exactly the reason why NOW is the perfect time. Its about embracing our lives as they are and finding health habits that can work NOW. I believe that investing in our well-being is truly one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. 

what results can i expect?

 By the end of the 8 weeks, you will have the tools and knowledge to know exactly how to nourish yourself well using gentle nutrition principles + mindful eating. You will leave with recipes, resources and community of women as lifelong friends. Success in this program would mean that you feel confident in your body, have clarity in your food choices, and feel more balanced. It would mean you no longer are counting calories or following the latest diet plan. 


Due to the personalized nature of this program, I do not offer refunds. If for some reason life throws you a major curve ball and you cannot commit to this program now after signing up, you are always welcome to join the next round!


I believe that there is nothing inherently wrong with desiring to lose weight. (You can work on me 1:1 for weight loss! )However, this program is not focused on weight-loss, but it could be a side effect of feeding yourself well! Instead, it is focused on health-gain. We will be focusing on non-scale wins - such as improved energy and more joy in your day to day.  But if you’re open to trying new things in the way you care for yourself, I encourage you to give it a try! 

is this a diet or a plan?

 No, this is not a diet or a meal plan. Using gentle nutrition we use decisions from both the mind and the body in order to nourish ourselves. 

What do I do if I need additional support?

This program is designed to give you the foundational information to help you have fun with food and give you lasting energy. After you finish, there are always options to work with Danielle for additional support. 

The A's to your Q's